Many people live in the illusion that they are optimists, very positive people, and are unaware that the dominant thoughts in their minds are the negative ones.
If you worry too much about something in your life (negative thoughts) it is nothing but imagining the end coming out in the way you do not want.
Where is your focus, on positive or more on negative
Too many worries can mean you may not aware of your negativity.
You are unaware that instead of thinking about the positive outcome of a situation, you are thinking about the worst things that could happen. As a result, are created a lot of fear of unpleasant obsession and negative thinking.
Now and here you can discover in what direction you are focusing on in life!
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Read the story below and find out!
All you have to do is to count how many times the word ” positive” is in the story! In order to make it easier for you, we have bolded the word positive.
Test your self whether you are an optimist or pessimist
Once upon a time, in a small town called “Positive City” lived a family of four members. Mother and father were negative people and they were negatively sure that things were always bad. In all things, they saw only the negative side. Because of their negative attitude, people avoided them and didn’t have many friends. They had a 14-year-old son who was also very negative and an 8-year-old daughter who, in contrast, was very positive. The positive girl found it very difficult to live in a negative environment because of her negative parents and especially the negative brother. The friends avoided her.
One day their positive family doctor told them a negative thing that their positive little daughter is ill and needs immediate treatment. The negative father and the negative mother reacted very negatively to this and at first, they did not trust the positive doctor. This was also helped by the behavior of the little positive girl who did not complain of pain. She was always happy even though her parents were always negative.
But one day happened a negative event that frightened the negative parents and they immediately took the positive girl to the positive doctor. Negative parents told the doctor that they were very frightened to see the positive girl lose consciousness. The positive doctor told the negative mother and the negative father that the little girl had anemia. He explained what she needed to eat and drink, and advised the negative mother and negative father to take the girl to a mountain in the fresh air. The negative mother and the negative father finally agreed that they should take something positive. They decided to send the girl to a mountain village where her grandparents lived. The negative father and the negative mother finally began to think positively and believed that their positive girl would fully recover. That has happened. Upon returning from the mountain village, the little positive girl noticed that her negative parents and her negative brother were beginning to think positively. They were all very happy when the positive doctor told them that the positive girl was completely cured.
Let’s analyze your findings
How many times does the word “positive” appear in the story? To make it easier to count, the word positive is bold.
The word positive appears exactly 18 times in the story.
Did you count correctly?
Now another question for you. Do you know how many times the word “negative” appears in the same story?
Probably not because you were told to count only the word “positive” and you focused only on this word.
In fact, the word “negative” occurs in the story 28 times which is much more than the word positive.
But most of you didn’t notice it.
Do you see the world around you with black glasses?
Moreover, many people in their life focus more on the negative or more on the positive things, no matter what is bigger: the positive or negative.
This is because of their past experiences, upbringing, and similarities. If people who have had an impact on our upbringing more have focused on negative things then we are more likely to have learned the same.
Those people who focus more on positive things are called optimists and those who focus more on negative things pessimists.
The fact is that nothing in life is neither black nor white alone. i.e. neither negative nor positive.
If we focus only on the negative things in life, the negativity in our partner, the negativity in ourselves, the negativity in what happens to us in life, then we do great harm to the quality of our lives.
When we detect the negativity in things first, this causes our negative thoughts to multiply by the process of associations.
In the end, with so much negativity if we do not see the bigger picture (in which there is surely positive) we are going to create feelings of dissatisfaction, anger, fear, depression, and so on.
We feel as a result of what we think.
All this together will have an intense effect on our behavior and our relationships with other people.
In the end, you should think deeper and bigger!
Do you often notice only the negative things happening in your life and ignore the positive ones?
If so, you close your eyes to all aspects of the situation.
So open your eyes and mind well and start looking at the bigger picture. You will find many positive things about yourself, your life, other people, and the world around you.
Read next: How to stop being obsessed about the past