You are going to spend only two minutes per day (whole procedure last 3-5 days) and have fresh, healthy, cheap food with plenty of nutrients for your kids and the whole family.
It is about growing sprouts of a different kind of seed in a really easy, inexpensive way without having to leave the comfort of your own kitchen.
Homemade sprouted seeds mean adding nutrients with great value to your everyday diet, at the same time, saving money in your budget, with no effort and no losing your free time.
READ ALSO: Why You Should Start Eating Sprouted Seeds?
Start today following these basic guidelines:
The most convenient method for sprouting seeds in the simplest way is to use a glass jar we all have in our kitchen.
Almost any seed can be sprouted in a jar, but for the first time you can start with easy sprouting seeds like:
- Wheat Berries: 7-12 hours soaking, 3-4 days for sprouting
- Chickpeas: 8-12 hours soaking, 2-3 days for sprouting
- White beans: 8-12 hours soaking, 2-3 days for sprouting
- Pumpkin Seeds: 8-12 hours soaking, 1-2 days for sprouting
Necessary equipment:
Regular well cleaned glass jar
Cheesecloth, rubber band or jarring
Row (the best organic) seeds
- It is the best to start an evening.
- For the first time take 2 cups wheat berries, or other kinds of seeds mention above, be sure they are a row, not GMO.
- Wash them well before and put in a regular well cleaned glass jar.
- Fill the jar with 6 cups of fresh water.
- Place a double cheesecloth over the mouth and secure with jarring or rubber band.
- Next morning drain water through the cheesecloth (you do not need to take off rubber band or jarring) wash them well a couple of times through the cheesecloth and let them sit till evening at a bright place. At this point, you should drain the water from the jar. (Seeds sit in the water only first 12 hours of their sprouting, after that, they have to only well moisten).
- In the next 2-3 days, every morning and evening all you have to do is to wash them a couple of times with fresh water.
- Then you will see seeds start to sprout. (Sprouts must grow to 5mm-1cm to be used).
- When the growth is finished the last thing you have to do is to wash well sprouted seed and dry them to stop the process of sprouting. Keeping them dry will stop not only their growth but also slow down spoilage.
Store them in the refrigerator in an appropriated container. It’s important to know that sprouted seeds are very susceptible to harmful bacterial growth so be careful about how you store sprouted foods and use them as quickly as possible.
A good way is to freeze them and safe for whenever you need them.
The same kind of dry seeds are difficult to digest, but now you have a homemade nourishing plant food, which is going to reach your meal with full of nutrients, easily digestible for your body.
Different seeds have different flavors. If you are not satisfied with their flavor you can use them in your smoothies, salads, put them in a baked food or find some other ways using your creativity in the kitchen.
Even it is very easy to make homemade sprouted seeds if you notice during this process something unusual like mold, contaminated water due to not follow above direction at a time, trough away them and start the whole procedure again with new seeds.